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Municipal Dashboard and CVTRS Information

For Fiscal Year 2022, the Michigan Legislature is continuing the City, Village, and Township Revenue Sharing (CVTRS) program (a simplified version of the Economic Vitality Incentive Program (EVIP)). These programs replace the statutory revenue sharing program for eligible cities, villages and townships. To qualify for the CVTRS payments, eligible local units must certify and submit to the Department of Treasury by December 1, 2021 that the following have been made available to the public: 1) a citizen’s guide (Municipal Financial Summary) to our most recent local finances; 2) a performance dashboard; 3) a debt service report; and 4) a projected budget report of revenues and expenditures comparing the current fiscal year with next fiscal year. This information is included for public review below.

To achieve the standards and receive revenue sharing for the City of Reading, we are providing the following documents.


2023-CVTRS Report to Treasury

CVTRS-Projected Budget (2023-2024)

CVTRS-Debt Service Requirements (2023-2024)



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